Are your United MileagePlus miles about to expire? Free 750 Miles to extend!

United’s frequent flyer program like most frequent flyer programs has an 18 month mileage expiration for non-activity. Activity for all frequent flyer programs include any earning or redemption. If you have received an email from United that your miles are about to expire, here’s a quick and simple way to extend the expiration period for another 18 months.

MyPoints is a shopping portal, email marketing and survey company. It is currently offering 750 Free United MileagePlus miles for signing for their FREE service. Like yesterday’s post about e-Miles, our advice on all email marketing offers services is to use your secondary email address to decrease the chance of receiving SPAM in your primary email account. If you already have a MyPoints account, obviously this offer does not apply.

Sign up here: MyPoints signup for 750 Free United Miles



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